Real Work.
Real Compassion.
Real Learning.
a non-profit, independent private high school;
learner-centered, community-focused, personalized and future-oriented;
an intentionally welcoming, safe, and affirmative community;
dedicated to supporting young people and our communities of all
cultural, racial, sexual, ability, and religious backgrounds;
committed to our responsibility, to create a more just, equitable world.
Trust in Human Dignity
Human beings possess an inherent dignity, worthiness, and awareness that is essential to our nature. Nurturing this basic goodness in students not only enriches their individual lives, it also enables the confidence which makes world transformation and an enlightened society possible.
& Justice
In this time of social turmoil and divisiveness we need a school that is explicit in its intention: the establishment and support of a compassionate, enlightened, and just human society. Toward this goal, the lens of justice and peace will always guide the work we do.
Sustainable Futures
We need to learn from, and listen to, the environment that sustains us, practicing systems thinking that promotes sustainability, non-violence, and deep understanding. The school recognizes and centers the intersectionality at the heart of this goal.
Real-World Experience
Students will explore the application of knowledge and skills to real world learning through community-embedded problem-based learning.
Real Work
City of Bridges believes that knowledge, understanding and skills are built through hands-on experiences and application of learning to its purpose. We are committed to providing our students with opportunities to explore their interests with professionals through meaningful mentorships and internships.
Real Compassion
City of Bridges believes that in order to have a more just, equitable, sustainable and joyful future we need to live those values in the present. We are committed to being an inclusive, caring and justice oriented community that works to support the growth of a measurable better world.
Real Learning
City of Bridges believes that learning must have purpose, meaning and should spark curiosity and excitement. We are committed to fostering a personalized learning environment that allows people to explore their interests while building the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to bring their preferred futures to life.
The Journey
The Dream
The seed for City of Bridges was planted. Randy, our Head of School traveled to other schools that inspire: Youth Inititive High School, Stone Independent School, Springhouse Community School, The Putney School.
South Side
We began our first year of school, with a team of fifteen driven students!
Highland Park
We moved to Highland Park in order to transition to fully outdoor, pandemic-safe learning. A year later, we subbed the fires and tarps for walls and insulation (aka indoor learning).
Our Forever Home!